We have a variety of ministries which serve our congregation and community.
A handful are explored below. Each is important to the life of our church.
Several musical ensembles enrich our worship life, including our Chancel Choir and Bells of Praise. We also enjoy the musical gifts of individual members, particularly in the summer months. We welcome new singers and ringers!
Our Mission Committee, Interpreting Mission, Peace, and Justice (IMPJ), seeks to participate in God’s work in the world by informing, challenging, and empowering the congregation to minister to people in need locally, nationally, and internationally.
We emphasize spiritual development for all ages particularly through our weekly Sunday school for children, youth, and young adults, youth group for middle school age, and adult faith formation classes in the Fall and during Lent.
Our Board of Elders serves as the spiritual leadership and governing body of the church, by discerning how God is at work in our congregation, and who God is calling our church to be.
Deacons are our caregiving officers, serving and praying for members of our congregation and community with compassion and love.
Additional ministries include Administration, Nominating, Fellowship, Membership, Personnel, Property, and Worship. We welcome you to join us in service of our Lord!