Our mission is to reach out to one another, our community and the world with compassion and generosity.
We are a “Matthew 25” church, which means we focus activities to build congregational vitality, seek ways to dismantle structural racism, and work to eradicate systemic poverty. We consider ourselves brothers and sisters in Christ and invite all to join us.
We have several committees who are charged with leading our mission.
- The Ruling Elders comprise the session and serve as the spiritual leadership and governing body of the church and are responsible for discerning and governing all aspects of the congregation.
- The Board of Deacons care for and support our congregation.
- The Interpreting Mission, Peace and Justice committee supports the needs of mission programs both locally and throughout the world.
- The Administration Committee is responsible for the financial and personnel affairs of the church.
- The Membership Committee encourages active participation in the life of our church family.
- The Worship Committee ensures reverent, meaningful worship for all our parishioners.